Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sambut hari wilayah tak bermakna kalau..

...tidak menghayati sejarah penubuhan negeri wilayah dan apa keperluannya. Pembangunan fizikal dan pembangunan sahsiah kendiri di kalangan masyarakat masih banyak perlu ditingkatkan. "1st class facilities but 3rd class mentality?"

Mohammad Bazil Bolia ada menghuraikan tentang artikelnya yang menyentuh tentang "the improvements needed"

"There are several gaps that need to be addressed for the nation to achieve the goals of Vision 2020. Here in Malaysia, we have first-class facilities such as the public transports, accommodates and educational but the reality is, most Malaysians have third-class mentality. Take for example Singapore, they do have facilities similar to Malaysia – first-class as it is and most of the Singaporean mentalities are first-class too; they don’t litter, they don’t smoke in public, they give seats priorities to the elders or pregnant woman’s and practise healthy living which is totally in contrast what Malaysians here are practising. We want Malaysians that think of ideas and ways to improve and inspire the nation rather than Malaysians that are hateful and low-minded"

sumber: http://www.perdana.org.my/essaycompetition/previous-winner/mohammad-bazil-bolia/

1 comment:

  1. hmm... sedih... lagi-lagi bab buang sampah... Adeih... sampai bila la agaknya nak terus macam ni???
