Monday, April 26, 2010

Apabila jurang golongan kaya dan miskin semakin besar..

tentera merah vs kuning..inilah yang berlaku di Thailand.. pendapatan ekonomi yang tidak sekata malah tidak meluas dan tidak dimantapkan sekitar bandar dan kampung menyumbang apa yang berlaku di Thailand sekarang ni.jurang orang miskin yang terlalu ketara. perhimpunan, mogok, dan rusuhan terus dilaporkan meningkat.

Tempering Thai temperatures

Date: 23-03-2010

AT its best, a popular movement of civil disobedience is a justified way of righting a wrong. At its worst, it becomes a serious threat to political stability, social order and the rule of law. As mass protests stretched into a second week in Bangkok, we are seeing the worse side of civil disobedience. To be sure, while the protesters have been boisterous, raucous and vociferous, the demonstrations have been largely peaceful. But there's nothing cheerful and carefree in their demeanour and disposition, and there's no telling what will happen when the dwindling numbers of fatigued and frustrated red shirts continue with their rallies under the watch of soldiers and police, who have now been armed as a result of two grenade attacks. Worst of all, despite the talk of democracy and universal justice, civil disobedience has not been in the service of a higher cause but a piece of pure political theatre and a naked display of power politics to dissolve Parliament and force fresh elections. Extra-parliamentary agitation is not the answer to a crisis which has been as self-inflicted as the puncture wounds made to collect the blood to splatter the premier's residence. The Thai nation has been in the grip of a paralysing political impasse for the better part of four years as a result of the untenable notion that either camp can out-muster and out-mobilise each other in the streets. Though the stock market has been on a run of gains and rose to a 20-month high on Friday, it only means that short-term investors are making money while the sun is still shining. It cannot hide the clouds of uncertainty that hover over the long-term prospects of a country that is deeply divided. The continuing climate of instability can only damage investor confidence and deflect attention from vital domestic concerns. Thailand needs to find ways to overcome its divisions before real blood is spilled in the streets and democracy suffers another fatal setback. To be sure, ultimately the answer lies in the ballot box, but not now when people are wearing their hearts and their politics on their sleeves, not in this manner, through mass rallies to force the issue, and not when the country is too polarised for the loser to accept the verdict of the polls. What Thailand desperately needs now is for both camps to calm down, moderate their positions and agree to talk to each other to find a middle ground for a workable solution to their political differences. ( END ) Source : New Straits Times

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